The best part of my job has to be the testimonials that we receive from customers. I particularly love it when customers report on their experiments using the InnerTalk technology and share their own perspectives on the entire process. Today, I bring you one such letter we received from a customer. This one starts with his experience using Prosperity and Abundance, but then he goes on to share his own understanding of how it all works. I love both the fact that he put action behind his desire to become more prosperous and the amount of work he has put into learning how the mind works. This latter is particularly important as with this understanding comes real self-empowerment.
Here is the letter he sent:
Making The Commitment
Dear Ravinder, Eldon Taylor, and the whole Progressive Awareness Research influencers,
I want to get this out before too much happens and I start to lose memory of the events because of them piling up too high. I have many of your CDs, 5 on the way, and more in mind. I have a few of your books and I also have the Echofone.
I’ve become an avid reader of all subjects related, and realize there is no limit. I’m writing to share my story about your products.
The one I would like to talk about is the Prosperity/Abundance CD. I bought this CD about 2 years ago and have listened to it on and off over this time. I have recently made a commitment to show myself and others the extent of what I’ve come to understand about Metaphysics and some of the possibilities at hand.
Prosperity and Abundance
I have started playing the Prosperity/Abundance CD regularly . . . I play it the entire time I’m in my car. I never listen to any music at all. I also play the Lucid Dreaming CD also for 1-3 hours everyday. My dreams are always looked forward to and, although not lucid yet, they are vivid and getting pretty darn entertaining!
Okay, back to the Prosperity CD, I started listening to it and it started to work!
Taking an Active Role
I work at a call center for customer service—sometimes there is overtime and sometimes not. I have always been interested in working overtime to add funds to my research and home library. Since listening to the CD this year I noticed I have a drive to work overtime—I am always seeking to work overtime. I notice that when the over time is reduced I end up having the opportunity to cover co-workers shifts. People always ask how I get so many hours and how I’m at work all the time. This has become second nature to me. I have a hard time getting myself to not work so much (literally) . . . no complaints though 🙂
Since I started my CD mission I ended up with the biggest paycheck I’ve ever received from my job, received a check from my car dealership stating that I’d been overcharged, and people are always seeking me to work their shift hours when they need time off. My income tax paperwork showed that I made over 10k more than I did the year before (just because of the overtime). Also my income tax check is $500 more than the previous year.
Now I always have more money in my account then in the past and I usually never monitor the money that I have—I just try to spend reasonably and check my account every once in awhile.
The day after my birthday I was in a very small car accident and received a check for about $1300 because of the damages that were caused by me! Not all of it was pocket money, but it was more than I need for the repairs. Strange some would say—coincidence others would say.
I have always said that there is no such thing as luck or chance. I’ve always stated that there is only conscious or unconscious probability. Probabilities can be influenced and with the InnerTalk CDs I’ve discovered a powerful way to influence this probability in favor of intent. I love the InnerTalk CDs!
An Experiment
I have a list of thoughts about this whole InnerTalk thing and an experiment for other users or potential users.
The Test:
- Buy an Innertalk CD.
- Listen to it.
- Have faith that it’s doing its thing whether noticeable or not.
- Try to put many hours into this—30-40 hours or more is what I did.
- STOP listening to it for a while—I stopped for a few months.
- Start listening to the CD again and watch—watch closely as things unfold—just remain open.
Accumulating Results
It appears to me that after listening for prolonged periods of time the suggestions accumulate. Then, after a break, the effects pick up right where you left off, but with more impact—its much easier to notice what’s accumulated and what’s taking effect. It’s kind of like riding a bike and then not riding for a few years and forgetting how it felt and how things looked while riding. Then when you hop back on the bike you realize you just turned your awareness back on regarding the experience because it was all stored in your subconscious mind already trained from past experiences and instantly becomes a conscious experience again.
I believe that:
- The InnerTalk effects really do accumulate depending on how much they are used.
- You have to have your own intent to pursue them, and they will then put your intent on auto-drive!
- The results will often manifest as coincidence.
- Sometimes the results or more obvious depending on what type of goal you have.
My Perspective
My final thought is my essay on Awareness that I believe helps clarify my perspective on all of this. There is a sequence that the substance of spirit unfolds into our experience that is based upon our thoughts. There is a picture painted that serves as a foundation for each person’s choices. A persons experience is a result of this sequencing of substance based upon their thoughts. Some call this sequence chance, while others call this sequence luck. I call this sequence conscious or un-conscious probability.
People refer to good things happening in their lives as good fortune or good luck, often paying no attention to the fact that any and everything they have thought, heard, smelled, saw, and felt, lead them in perfect synchrony to their present state of being.
If my testimonial could be used in an issue of your catalog I would be so honored and I promise all is truth as far as my perception is concerned
Love, Light, & Awareness,
Just to Clarify
Now, this is all the perspective of this particular user. The fact is, as demonstrated in numerous independent research studies, the user does not have to believe in the InnerTalk program for it to have an effect—InnerTalk primes your self talk, regardless of your beliefs about its efficacy. However, I can certainly see that actively resisting the effects of the programs will inhibit efficacy. Perhaps this user has experienced some of those nay-sayers and that is why, for him, it is important to believe in the products in order to get the maximum effect. Regardless, I do love the way he has made the process his own.
How are you working with InnerTalk today?
Wishing you Love, Light and Laughter . . . always!
Ravinder Taylor
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