Thirty years later I am still exploring ways in which InnerTalk can help me become the person I want/choose to be. As such, I am always playing around with different programs and combinations to see where I get my best results. In the last few months, I have had some simply incredible results when it comes to memory and cognitive abilities so I thought you may enjoy hearing about them.
Cognitive Enhancement
As I have told you before, one of my personal phobias has to do with cognitive abilities and aging, and as such, I pay close attention to any tools or tips that could possibly stave off cognitive decline.
Like most people, I have watched the increasing frequency of senior-ish moments—walking into a room and forgetting what I went in there to get became very normal for a while, remembering names and doing mental arithmetic were never my fortes but they seemed to be getting worse, and I could go one with examples but I think you get the point. I do know that stress and fatigue can really exacerbate these issues, but even using all of my stress management skills, I could still see some real deterioration.
Maximizing Brain Power
Last year, I decided to get a real handle on this issue. I put together a compilation of InnerTalk programs and worked with them diligently. I was so happy with the results that we put them together in a Maximizing Brain Power album and made it available at a discount through the InnerTalk store.
Using Maximizing Brain Power, my fear of memory loss and senior moments diminished drastically, and I felt myself moving into positive territory. I was remembering more, felt sharper and discovered that cognitive decline was not an automatic process as we age. As I said, I was really happy with this so then I decided to see what else I could achieve.
Language Learning
My family moved from India to the UK when I was two, and my parents did not want us to be disadvantaged at school, so they insisted that we all speak English. As I got older, conversations at home frequently entailed my parents speaking Punjabi to me and my siblings, and us replying in English. As such, my understanding of the language is pretty darn good (at least when I hear the correct dialect), but I could not speak it—still cannot speak it. Had this now become some kind of mental block? I decided to explore this issue further and asked Eldon to create a new InnerTalk program, Releasing Mental Blocks.
Releasing Mental Blocks does not focus on language learning, but rather it is a general program to deal with all kinds of mental blocks. Some people find it impossible to remember names, and others are convinced they are just not good at things such as math. Releasing Mental Blocks focuses on our beliefs regarding certain subjects, beliefs that convince us we are not capable of learning, remembering or understanding certain things.
My Experience
I continued working with all of the programs in the Maximizing Brain Power album—which range from memory to learning, and creativity to stress relief—for why would I stop doing something that was already giving me positive results? But then I added Releasing Mental Blocks into the mix. I used most of the programs at different times of the day, but when I am in the office, I focus on Cognitive Enhancement (included in the Maximum Brain Power album) and Releasing Mental Blocks. Actually, I included these two programs to my set of 5 programs I play through my automatic CD changer—and I just leave them playing all day in the background, every day. The results have been simply marvelous!
First of all though, I do have to say: No, I did not access my ability to speak Punjabi. But what was interesting was that, for years I have searched for teach-yourself language courses online, and have purchased a few. Results with them were limited. However, after using Releasing Mental Blocks I had an experience in my sleep where I was told the solution. The following morning I went downstairs, typed in search terms I have never used before, and found the perfect answer. I will keep you informed about my progress.
Returning Memories
But back to the general issues of memory. For a long while now, I have been able to visualize my memory. In fact, there have been so many times I felt like I could see a memory turn away from me and walk off into the distance, never to come back again. These days though, the vast majority of the time when I feel this kind of instance coming on, I can watch the memory begin to turn its back, but an inner voice says it doesn’t have to be that way and I literally see the memory turn back and face me full on! It really showed me how much memory loss is just a choice, and my new combination of InnerTalk programs worked fabulously for firming up choices that work for me instead of against me.
Over the past few months, these kinds of experiences have extended into many different areas. I gave up on mental arithmetic decades ago, especially as a calculator (phone app) is always so close, but now I see numbers much as I did when I was in my teens and early 20s, like shapes that fit neatly together. I don’t have to count up for I can frequently just see the final answer.
There have also been a number of times when Eldon has asked me if I remembered something, perhaps the name of a person, place or thing. Of all the things I could remember, these particular instances were of things that would be very low on my have-to-remember list, but so often the answer simply pops into my head.
The Magic Key
Quite honestly, I am not sure what the magic key is. I have great results when I use any of the programs in the Maximizing Brain Power album—together or on their own—and I definitely felt the benefit of using Releasing Mental Blocks on its own. But using the programs together has just blown away any of my earlier results—my memory is sharper, old memories are easier to access, cognitive abilities are keener, and I am happy!
Wishing you Love, Light and Laughter . . . always!
Ravinder Taylor
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